Wednesday, February 29, 2012

6 points+ Pasta and Sauce

56 gm (1 cup) uncooked wheat pasta *5pp
125 gm (1/2 cup) Classico Roasted Garlic +1pp
Water *0pp
2 gm grated Parmesan cheese *0pp
Sprinkle of basil

Cook pasta. Drain. Heat sauce. Pour sauce over cooked pasta. Top with cheese and basil.

Monday, February 27, 2012

4 points+ Pancakes and Eggs

1/3 cup of Hungry Jack wheat pancake mix *4pp
1/4 cup (50 grams) water *0pp

Heat griddle to 375 and grease with cooking spray (*0pp). Pour mix on hot griddle. Wait until bubbles are set. Flip and cook until cooked through (about 30 sec - 1 min).

1 egg separated. No yolk. *0pp

Total meal: 4 points plus

Optional topping:
6 gm Fat Free cheese *0pp
15 gm Fat Free Syrup. I use IHOP brand. *0pp

Thursday, February 16, 2012

5 points+ Oatmeal

First let me start off by saying this is my absolute favorite meal so far on Weight Watchers! It is so yummy and quite healthy as well :-)

40 gm quick oats (1/2 cup) *4pp
220 gm (1 cup)

Microwave for 1.5 to 2 minutes

Optional add:
3 gm butter (1 tsp) *1pp
50 gm grapes (1/2 cup) *0pp
50 gm cut apples (1/2 cup) *0pp
3 gm stevia (1 Tbsp) *0pp


5 gm sugar free syrup (1 Tbsp) *0pp
2 gm stevia (2/3 Tbsp) *0pp

Cook oatmeal, then add in all your goodies. I didn't like the taste of fruit AND maple syrup but the toppings is up to you :) Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Late Night Work Outs

So I am on this weight loss journey and doing pretty darn good I think! I started my journey at 225 pounds. I did the hTG diet diet through out the month of January and lost 23 pounds!

So going into the month of February I felt pretty darn good. Then reality hits and I gain 5 pounds back!! For the rest of this month I committed myself to weight watchers and hard core working out. I did two days of Jillian Michaels and realized I needed to get my endurance up before tackling that again. Very sad seeing as how I completed 10 days of it just two and a half months ago. Since starting my Weight Watchers I am down 4.4 pounds in just one week! I started my meetings on the 6th and go every Tuesday. My first weigh in I was 107.7. I am now 103.3! My main goal this month is to get under 200 seeing as how I failed that goal last month. I would like to get to 190 but I don't see that happening.

So that brings me to my work out tonight! I have started late night work outs with my friends! I do 30 minutes on the treadmill walking a 3.5 pace with random hills. I then do 15-30 minutes weight lifting. We try to go 3 times a week at 11 pm to our 24 hour Planet Fitness. I couldn't be more proud of myself!!! So now as I sit here blogging (walking actually) I know I am finally ready for change and will not give up until I am successful.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valentines Day Came Early

A huge group of our friends got together for a valentines celebration! I bough a new dress and shoes and called in a baby sitter.

We started off the night with a wonderful meal. Everyone brought a dish to share. We brought mashed potatoes (my moms recipe of course!). The food was amazing!! The decorations was so great. Rachael and Preston really did go out of their way. After dinner we cleaned up the dishes and cleared the tables out of the room. It was time for dancing!! We started off with a nice slow dance. Reminded me of our wedding (course it had been nearly that long since we last slow danced). We then sped things up with some old school R&B. Everyone let loose and had a blast!

After the dancing was done we were off to Jamie and Scott's house for some good ol' games! We played a version of the newly wed game. We got a total of 2 out of 3 right! Boooo! Guess Dwayne doesn't know me as well as he may have thought! The Cutlers took the prize on that one. They only missed 1 answer I think!! Pretty darn good :).

We then ended the night with a trip to CVS so I could do a makeup deal! I got 4 foundations for $7!! Go me! We came home and while Dwayne drove Katie home I watched Army Wives and prepared myself to wake up at 7:30 am. What a night.

I am so grateful to be apart of such a great group of friends. I don't know what I would do with out them. Thanks to all of you for being so welcoming and allowing me to become apart of your circle of friends.

Happy Early Valentines!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Intro to my life

Hey there everyone, this going to be a blog mostly for myself but also so that I can share pictures and blog a little bit about my life. I don't have too many interesting things happen, so this probably won't be a very interesting one but it'll be nice for me to be able to Look back years later. I am married I have two boys and I live in central Indiana. My husbands name is Dwayne, my two boys names are Rylen and Coltin.

I also have a YouTube channel if you ever want to check that out too. I talk about random things on there such as my diet and update on the boys as well. My name is gottaloveit7771. You'll notice that most of my usernames have the numbers 7771 in them. Kind of a long story with that but in short I always liked the number 777 and when I was creating my email along time ago I wanted OnFire4Christ777 but that was taken so I added a 1. 777 to me is a reminder of who I am as a Christian.

Thank you if you decide to follow me on this blog, but like I said this is mostly a journey for me to look back on. Take care!